pure routing.... generating a sane mac addr on the wndr3700 in cerowrt?

Juliusz Chroboczek jch at pps.jussieu.fr
Thu Jun 23 18:58:31 EDT 2011

> I figure it should come from the second wireless interface, get the
> local bit defined, and go to the top of the allowable range that the
> wireless interface pulls from to generate it's SSIDs

Nah.  Just pull 6 bytes from /dev/random, set the local bit, and unset
the group bit.

> 2) I generate a non-bridged network on the nano-m5s (which has valid
> mac addrs for all interfaces, I think) and babel loses the ability to
> send mc packets to any interface.

Do you have link-local v6 addresses on all interfaces?

What does babeld have to say?  (Hint: it uses its own log file.)

-- Juliusz

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