merging features from iscwrt into bismark

Dave Taht dave.taht at
Wed May 4 10:55:33 PDT 2011

iscwrt is coming along nicely, and there are a few features in it that might
be worth making into bismark's capetown release.

Notably it has a real webserver (lighttpd), and python cgi support, as well
as a public/private SSID implementation and a decent set of pre-built
firewall rules. We have plenty of flash and memory left over with the
installed tools and daemons I'm aware of right now.

I don't regard iscwrt's core features (bind9 + isc dhcpd) as ready for prime
time as yet, the core blocker is no web interface on that. It would be nice
to get dnssec tested in the field at some point but not as part of the
capetown release.

Somewhat related to this is the idea of spreading next week's testing across
the bloat userbase. I daresay we could pick up 10+ testers if we talk about
what we need to the bloat mailing list....

I regard adding the buffalo router to the testing list as a big risk (will
it work at all?) that also mitigates another big risk - that the heat
management on the existing wndr won't stand up to the rigors of elsewhere -
the buffalo should run mildly cooler with only one radio installed (and may
have better antennas)


Dave Täht
SKYPE: davetaht
US Tel: 1-239-829-5608
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