RRUL test prototypes

Dave Taht dave.taht at gmail.com
Mon Dec 31 18:01:13 EST 2012

Toke made enormous progress on a RRUL test prototype over the last 2
months. It requires a recent netperf, python, python's matplotlib, and

For basic install on a debian/ubuntu box:

sudo apt-get remove netperf
svn co http://www.netperf.org/svn/netperf2/trunk/ netperf-2.7
cd netperf-2.7
./configure --enable-demo
sudo make install
cd ..

sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib
git clone git://github.com/tohojo/netperf-wrapper.git
cd netperf-wrapper
./netperf-wrapper -o mytest.ps -p all_scaled -H snapon.lab.bufferbloat.net rrul

This will also output a timestamped datafile that can be replotted with (for
example) the icmp_cdf plot type. I tend to use that to feed multiple
test runs into a cdf plot, for example...

/netperf-wrapper -i 'rrul-2012-12-22T18:48:00.965185.json.gz' -i
'rrul-2012-12-22T18:49:49.484438.json.gz' -o icmp_cdf.ps -p icmp_cdf

It'll get simpler as time goes by... (also supported are .svg and .png
output formats)

We have a variety of other tests in the netperf-wrapper tests subdir.
rtt_fair, simple tcp bidirectional etc, etc. See also the README.rst
for more details.

You can also run mtr at the same time in another window to see where
the bottlenecks are. If you are not based in the US, you should setup
a netperf netserver nearer by than
snapon (which is in california) - there's one in germany for example.

I have managed to build all this stuff successfully on the mac, but
packaging it up is a bear.  Will be working on a simple apt-get
package for ubuntu soon, fedora and arch, too.

Still needed are a decent voip and gaming test. I have a pretty good
mental picture of what most gaming traffic looks like now...

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