After a long gestation, we're happy to announce the existence of a 'smoke test' release of 'CeroWrt', for the NETGEAR WNDR3700v2 series of routers. <br><br>Documentation, flash images, and installation guide are at: <br>
<br><a href=""></a><br><br>This smoke test release is only for the brave... of whom I hope there are many on these lists. <br>
<br>I hope to put out one release candidate per week for the next month, until this is baked enough to freeze for a while. <br><br>The existing bug/feature database is out of date, I'll be updating that soon, but as this is hopefully baked enough for others than myself, jg, esr, and evan hunt to be be using, I'd love it if more people could get one of these routers and try out this code.<br>
<br>What the heck is CeroWrt?<br><br>Cerowrt is the outgrowth of trying to de-heisenbug debloat-testing. The results we were getting on conventional boxes were not repeatable on conventional routers, until now. The project gradually grew from OpenWrt into a kitchen sink worth of useful network analysis stuff from other projects until it became... CeroWrt. Much of it has been pushed back into openwrt...<br>
<br>To quote from it's integral help screen:<br><br clear="all">CeroWrt is an OpenWrt router platform for use by individuals, researchers, and students interested in advancing the state of the art on the Internet. Specifically, it is aimed at investigating the problems of latency under load, bufferbloat, wireless-n, QoS, and the effects of various TCP algorithms on shared networks. The features of this release include:<br>
<br>* linux with a few bloat-related patches<br>* Bind9 DNS services with DNSSEC<br>* extensive network diagnostic, performance measurement, and simulation tools<br>* support for TCP bic, cubic, westwood, and reno<br>
* comprehensive IPv6 support <br>* integral web and rsync servers<br>* support for mesh networking<br>* a web proxy server<br><br>and most importantly, extensive debloating throughout the stack.<br><br>For more details please see the wiki pages and bug database, and check in on the #bufferbloat irc channel. I will be at Georgia Tech all next week working on getting their test tools up and running on it, but will be available for help and upgrades on the mailing lists and<br>
<br>Additional details on on the wiki.<br><br>
<a href=""></a><br><br>Happy debloating!<br><br>-- <br>Dave Täht<br>SKYPE: davetaht<br>US Tel: 1-239-829-5608<br><a href="" target="_blank"></a> <br>