[Bloat] TCP vegas vs TCP cubic

Richard Scheffenegger rscheff at gmx.at
Wed Feb 2 10:37:07 PST 2011

For all the Windows Vista / Windows 7 Users around, they can enable 
"Compound TCP", which is a Hybrid TCP Congestion Control approach:

netsh int tcp set global congestionprovider=ctcp

and, while you're at it, also enable ECN (lossless congestion control 

netsh int tcp set global ecncapability=enabled

If enough End Users enable ECN, core providers may be inclined to deploy AQM 
with Packet Marking too... And as Home Gateways are those which are prone to 
ECN implementation bugs, a full disconnect from the internet (rather than 
certain sites not reachable) is quite easy to diagnose at that end.

Been running with ECN since a couple of months, and so far I have yet to 
encounter a site that will consistently fail with ECN. Actually, enabling 
ECN gives you more retries with the SYN (3x ECN+SYN, 3x normal SYN), so in a 
heavy congested / bufferbloated environment, your small flows might get 
through eventually, with higher probability.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave "Täht"" <d at taht.net>
To: "Justin McCann" <jneilm at gmail.com>
Cc: "bloat" <bloat at lists.bufferbloat.net>
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Bloat] TCP vegas vs TCP cubic

> Thx for the feedback. I've put up more information on the wiki at:
> http://www.bufferbloat.net/projects/bloat/wiki/Experiment_-_TCP_cubic_vs_TCP_vegas
> (At least netnews had a "C"ancel message option. Wikis are safer to use
> before your first cup of coffee)
> Justin McCann <jneilm at gmail.com> writes:
>> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 10:20 AM, Dave Täht <d at taht.net> wrote:
>>> Can I surmise that TCP cubic is like a dragster, able to go really fast
>>> in one direction down a straightaway, and TCP vegas more like an 80s
>>> model MR2, maneuverable, but underpowered?
>> There are some parameters to tune, essentially setting the number of
>> packets you want queued in the network at any one time (see
>> http://neal.nu/uw/linux-vegas/). I haven't messed with it much myself,
>> but you might try to increase those just a bit -- if Vegas
> I am reading now.
>> underestimates the queue size and the queue empties, you'll never get
>> the throughput. Ideally there would always be exactly one packet in
>> the bottleneck queue.
> What a happy day that would be.
>> But I think your results are pretty much expected with Vegas, since it
>> uses the increase in queuing latency as an early congestion indicator.
>> If everyone used it, we may be better off, but other congestion
>> algorithms aren't fair to Vegas since they wait until there are packet
>> drops to notice congestion.
> My thought was, is that if it were possible that the wireless side of a
> given stack used it, life might be better on that front. Ultimately. For
> people that upload stuff.
>>> On a failed hunch, I also re-ran the tests with a much larger
>>> congestion window:
>> I think you mean larger send/receive buffers instead of congestion
>> window? I'll bet the Vegas parameters are keeping the congestion
> Correction noted. Coffee needed.
>> window smaller than your send/receive buffer sizes, so they aren't
>> limiting you in the first place, so no improvement.
> I'll take a packet trace next time I run the test.
>> The web100 patches (web100.org) are great for getting into the details
>> of how TCP is working. If you don't want to apply them yourself, you
>> can try the Live CD of perfSONAR-PS (http://psps.perfsonar.net/). It
>> might be useful to have an NDT
>> (http://www.internet2.edu/performance/ndt/) server running on your
>> home network, or use one at M-Lab. It doesn't need much resource-wise
>> but the web100 patches.
> Excellent suggestions. Building now. (It seems to want java and I don't
> think the little clients I have on this testbed can handle that well)
> At the moment my little testbed is fairly flexible and my queue of
> things to test is quite large.
> I have bloat-reducing patches for all the devices in the picture except
> for the laptop's , which is proving to be painful to look at.
> At the moment, I'd like to be getting, useful, interesting,
> *repeatable* results for a variety of well defined latency + throughput
> tests with... stock firmware and then be able to re-run the interesting
> series(s) against more custom configurations.
> I've only deployed the first patch on the wndr3700 thus far. It was
> *amazing*.
>>    Justin
> -- 
> Dave Taht
> http://nex-6.taht.net
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