[Bloat] Measuring latency-under-load consistently

richard richard at pacdat.net
Fri Mar 11 19:19:19 PST 2011

On Sat, 2011-03-12 at 02:00 +0200, Jonathan Morton wrote:
> 3) Flow smoothness, measured as the maximum time between sequential received data for any continuous flow, also expressed in Hz.  This is an important metric for video and radio streaming, and one which CUBIC will probably do extremely badly at if there are large buffers in the path (without AQM or Blackpool).
Am I correct that your "Flow smoothness" is the inverse if jitter? We
should probably keep to a standard nomenclature. What should we call
this and/or should we call it something else or invert the concept and
call it what we already do - jitter?

> Any thoughts on this idea?
>  - Jonathan
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Richard C. Pitt                 Pacific Data Capture
rcpitt at pacdat.net               604-644-9265
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