[Bloat] Pointers to useful work on buffer sizing.

Jim Gettys jg at freedesktop.org
Mon Mar 21 09:27:24 EDT 2011

Marina Thottan has been very kind to send me pointers to recent work on router buffer sizing. As you will see, there are good reasons to believe much conventional wisdom is far from the mark.

She is co-author of a survey paper that covers work done by different groups on router buffer sizing. Here is a link to it:

Nick Mckeown @ Stanford has several talks on buffers for routers.
Here is the link to his web page:

The specific talks are on this page:
"Internet Routers: Past Present and Future."
"Buffers: How we fell in love with them, and why we need a divorce."
"Sizing Router Buffers"
"Network Processors and their memory"
"Designing Packet Buffers for Internet Routers"
"Memories for Internet Routers"

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