[Bloat] SFB tuning

Juliusz Chroboczek jch at pps.jussieu.fr
Mon May 30 18:05:51 EDT 2011

Thanks a lot for the data.

>> (Are you seeing any queuedrop?)

Okay, both queuedrop and penaltydrop are 0 on all interfaces, which
means that you don't overflow any buffers and that the penalty box is
not being used -- tweaking limit and the penalty rate will have no effect.

I don't understand what you're doing on eth6, which has both prio and htb.

You're systematically putting sfq below sfb.  You should be aware that
since sfb keeps the queues short, the effect of sfq is reduced somewhat
-- you may not be getting all the fairness you're expecting.

Your packet loss rates are

eth4 (Internet): 0.6%
eth2 (LAN): 0.2%
eth6 (Wifi): 3.6%

Only eth6 is congested.  Three quarters of the eth6 drops are in sfb
52:.  There's 3.6 times more earlydrop than bucketdrop, which seems okay
to me.  Increasing increment/decrement might reduce the bucketdrop
somewhat; so would increasing the target, at the cost of increasing the
amount of queueing.

Thanks again for the data,

-- Juliusz

P.S.  Wow !  Guatemala !

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