[Bloat] Unable to download souce

Ketan Kulkarni ketkulka at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 00:58:11 EDT 2012

There are few changes needed to "build_cero.sh" and "cero_config"
Please refer the post here for the changes required -


On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 10:21 AM, Tapan <digichip.extreme at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi List,
> Apologies if I am sending to wrong mailing list.
>  I am new to Cero-wrt. I want to download & compile cero-wrt 3.3. I
> followed the instructions in Wiki
> 1.
> http://www.bufferbloat.net/projects/cerowrt/wiki/Building_Cerowrt_on_your_own_machine
> Getting Error:
>   tapan at digichip0 bufferbloat]$ git clone git://
> github.com/dtaht/cerofiles.git
> Initialized empty Git repository in
> /home/tapan/digichip/open_wrt/bufferbloat/cerofiles/.git/
> fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
> 2. http://www.bufferbloat.net/projects/cerowrt/wiki/Cerowrt_33_Build

>> This is the draft and in the process of getting reviewed constantly..

>   Here I am able to download all git repos but no idea where can I
> find required files  /tmp/evanpatch/* , feeds.conf & /tmp/stuff.tgz.
> cp /tmp/evanpatch/* .
> cd ..
> cd cerowrt-3.3/
> mkdir dl
> cp /tmp/feeds.conf .
> vi feeds.conf
> cd ..
> cd cerowrt-3.3/
> Can anybody help me in compiling  cero-wrt 3.3 ?
> Regards,
> Tapan
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