[Bloat] What is fairness, anyway? was: Re: finally... winning on wired!

Jesper Dangaard Brouer jdb at comx.dk
Sat Jan 14 11:35:28 EST 2012

Hi Dan

It delights me to see that you are using TC options linklayer ADSL and overhead (from my ADSL optimizer work), in your qos scripts :)

 Jesper Brouer

Dan Siemon <dan at coverfire.com> skrev:

On Sun, 2012-01-08 at 01:40 +0100, Dave Taht wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 6:52 PM, Bob Briscoe <bob.briscoe at bt.com> wrote:
> >
> > In a nutshell, bit-rate equality, where each of N active users gets 1/N of
> > the bit-rate, was found to be extremely _unfair_ when the activity of
> > different users is widely different. For example:
> > * 5 light users all active 1% of the time get close to 100% of a shared link
> > whenever they need it.
> > * However, if instead 2 of these users are active 100% of the time, FQ gives
> > the other three light users only 33% of the link whenever they are active.
> > * That's pretty rubbish for a solution that claims to isolate each user from
> > the excesses of others.
> Without AQM or FQ, we have a situation where one stream from one user
> at a site, can eat more than 100% of the bandwidth.
> 1/u would be a substantial improvement!

Indeed I've found this to be the case. I've been using a Linux tc
configuration in both the upstream and downstream which is designed to
protect each host's bandwidth share and within that provide three
traffic classes with flow fairness (script link below). With this
configuration I no longer have to worry about other network traffic
interfering with a decent web experience or VoIP call.


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