[Bloat] Slashdot!

Richard Brown richard.e.brown at dartware.com
Wed Mar 28 21:55:11 EDT 2012

It was good to see bufferbloat mentioned on slashdot...


The OP made a fair query: has anyone benchmarked the bql and sfqred that are in the Linux 3.3 kernel?

The responses were the typical spread of Slashdot responses: some funny, some clueless, some hostile, some way OT.

Our own jg gave a nice (and I thought, civil) response to the comment titled, "oversimplified PR noise ignores decade of research" and that started out, 

'The bufferbloat "movement" infuriates me because it's light on science and heavy on publicity. It reminds me of my dad's story about his buddy who tried to make his car go faster by cutting a hole in the firewall underneath the gas petal so he could push it down further.' http://linux.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=2752225&cid=39498867

This sounds about right: bufferbloat is well on its way to being treated seriously: first derided, then ignored, then accepted, then discovered...



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