[Bloat] buildbots and hardware desired...

Dave Taht dave.taht at gmail.com
Sat Mar 31 21:53:22 EDT 2012

In an effort to shorten build cycles and verification times it would be
good to be able to add a few machines to the openwrt buildbot cluster.
Needs to have 24/7 capability, a decent internet connection, good I/O and a
bunch of cores... if you can lend a hand, contact travis <thepeople at

Secondly, I'm building up bloatlab#1 to include more capability to
effectively test the 3.3 linux kernel release against the new BQL and
sfq/sfqred features. There's about 12 machines in the lab now, but only 2
that can saturate gigE...

Would love to acquire 10GigE capability too, but am also interested in
non-e1000 and non-tg3 ethernet devices that support BQL...

Donation of cycles and/or hardware and/or rackspace gladly accepted...

Dave Täht
SKYPE: davetaht
US Tel: 1-239-829-5608
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