[Bloat] [Codel] better testing, linux 3.6.1, cerowrt credits, other stuff

Michael Richardson mcr at sandelman.ca
Wed Oct 10 19:27:11 EDT 2012

    >> But: It became obvious fast that long RTT tests were needed,
    >> which I've been trying to establish the infrastructure to do

    toke> I assume that by "infrastructure" you mean "(netperf) servers
    toke> far away"? What would be needed for a test server in terms of
    toke> resources (bandwidth and otherwise)? I could try and persuade
    toke> my university to let me setup a test server on their network
    toke> (which is in Denmark)...

I interpret the question to mean networks where is there significant
actual delay along them.  I seem to recall that there are some ways to
do this Linux machines, but most commercial test equipment can simulate
things, including dropping packets.
I think, however, that we do not want/need and packets dropped, as then
the bandwidth constraint would not be in the device under test.

Michael Richardson
-on the road-

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