[Bloat] RITE and Bufferbloat

Bob Briscoe bob.briscoe at bt.com
Mon Feb 25 08:40:28 PST 2013

Manuel, Kevin,

Yup - considerable overlap.
RITE is a mix of Linux kernel hackers, IETFers and researchers 
(academic & industrial).
Jim Gettys is on the Advisory Board
It's a small EU-funded 3yr project started Nov'12.
In scope are a range of approaches from immediate incremental fixes 
to more ambitious.
Covers changes to
- e2e L4 transport algos alone,
- buffer algos alone
- interaction betw the two



At 02:11 15/02/2013, Manuel Stol wrote:
>To what extent do the RITE and Bufferbloat projects overlap?
>Are the issues that the Bufferbloat project is trying to address, also
>addressed by the RITE project?
>RITE - [Reducing Internet Transport Latency]
>Bufferbloat - [Addressing chaotic and laggy network performance]
>Kind regards,
>Manuel Stol
>http://www.fastmail.fm - The way an email service should be
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>Bloat at lists.bufferbloat.net

Bob Briscoe,                                                  BT 

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