[Bloat] [aqm] [iccrg] AQM deployment status?

Wesley Eddy wes at mti-systems.com
Tue Oct 15 21:00:16 EDT 2013

On 10/14/2013 1:07 PM, Curtis Villamizar wrote:
> So my first question to the AQM WG is "what is the scope of AQM WG
> work in terms of where in the network this WG wants to focus?"  If the
> answer to that question is "everywhere", then we have to be aware that
> conditions in core and conditions in home or enterprise are very
> different.  If the focus is on home, soho, and small business, then
> the charter should say so (I don't think it is).

The charter says:
  It is expected that some classes of algorithms will focus on software
  implementations, while others on existing or new hardware
  deployments, and algorithms may be specific to distinct scenarios.

I would say anywhere that AQM algorithms can have a positive impact
is in scope, and that it's understood and accepted that particular
algorithms or tuning rules may not be ideal across different
environments (or may not be easily implemented in different kinds of
platforms).  There was at least some talk of "applicability
statements" for things that wind up being recommended by the working

In my opinion, the home broadband router is one well-known case that
may hold a lot of the initial attention in the working group, because
the barriers to implementing/testing/deploying new algorithms for this
case are less than for many others.  We definitely did not want to
limit the charter to this scenario though, and it is intentionally
open to others.

I hope this clears it up!

Wes Eddy
MTI Systems

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