[Bloat] bufferbloat.net is sorely missed.

Rich Brown richb.hanover at gmail.com
Fri Jun 10 14:18:59 EDT 2016

OK. Let me know when the DNS has been updated, and I will put in the CNAME file.  Thanks!


> On Jun 10, 2016, at 2:05 PM, Dave Taht <dave.taht at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> It won't take much time to get that github page
>>> (http://richb-hanover.github.io/bufferbloat-site) running as
>>> www.bufferbloat.net. To do this:
>>> - You would have to set up A records for bufferbloat.net to point to
>>> and
>>> - Wildcard address (for www.bufferbloat.net) should CNAME to the
>>> 'bufferbloat.net' A record
>>> - I would add a file (named 'CNAME') to the gh-pages branch of the github
>>> repo at https://github.com/richb-hanover/bufferbloat-site
>>> One DNS TTL later, we should have a bufferbloat.net web presence back on
>>> the air.
> OK, tomorrow (or tonight) I will look into the redirect rich suggests.
> I note several other folk do have access to the dns server and if they
> beat me to it I won't mind at all....

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