[Bloat] dash traffic "chunklets" verses pie and fq_codel

Steinar H. Gunderson sgunderson at bigfoot.com
Fri Sep 8 03:32:15 EDT 2017

On Thu, Sep 07, 2017 at 04:52:54PM -0700, Dave Taht wrote:
> good read:
> http://caia.swin.edu.au/cv/jkua/preprint/jkua-icccn2017-chunklets-preprint-10may17.pdf


“For example, FQ-CoDel isolates individual traffic flows into
sub-queues then serves each sub-queue with a Deficit Round
Robin (DRR) scheduler. The result is relatively even capacity
sharing, which may actually be detrimental to a DASH flow
(often a single, persistent TCP connection) that is competing
with multiple other concurrent TCP flows.”

Isn't this just an AQM sabotage scheme?

/* Steinar */
Homepage: https://www.sesse.net/

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