[Bloat] macOS Catalina causes 'hugo serve' to segfault...

Rich Brown richb.hanover at gmail.com
Thu Feb 20 14:14:21 EST 2020

I took a deep breath, and upgraded my macOS machine to Catalina. I knew it would cause problems, and it did. Most were small, or simply annoying.

One of the flat tires is the ancient version of hugo (0.16) which I had been keeping around to rebuild the bufferbloat.net site. It now segfaults reliably (instead of only a third of the time when I was running Sierra (10.12)) 

I just posted a message on the Hugo forum (a Discourse forum!) asking for guidance. https://discourse.gohugo.io/t/convert-a-0-16-site-to-modern-hugo-syntax/23579

I'll summarize if I hear anything back. (As an incentive, I offered that we could tell people how to get rid of their lag while gaming :-)


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