[Bloat] What's a good non-intrusive way to look at bloat (and perhaps things like gout (:-))

Jonathan Morton chromatix99 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 18:30:01 EDT 2020

> On 4 Jun, 2020, at 1:21 am, Dave Collier-Brown <dave.collier-brown at indexexchange.com> wrote:
> We've good tools to measure network performance under stress, by the simple expedient of stressing it, but is there a good approach I could recommend to my company to monitor a bunch of reasonably modern links,  without the measurement significantly affecting their state?
> I don't mind increasing bandwidth usage, but I'm downright grumpy about adding to the service time: I have a transaction that times out for gross slowness if it takes much more that an tenth of a second, and it involves a scatter-gather interaction with at least 10 customers in that time.
> I'm topically interested in bloat, but really we should understand "everything" about our links. If they can get the bloats like cattle, they can probably get the gout, like King Henry the Eighth (;-))
> My platform is Centos 8, and I have lots of Smarter Colleagues to help.

My first advice would be to browse pollere.net for tools - like pping (passive ping), which monitors the latency of flows in transit.  That should give you some interesting information without adding any load at all.  There is also connmon (https://github.com/pollere/connmon).

 - Jonathan Morton

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