[Bloat] FW: [Dewayne-Net] Ajit Pai caves to SpaceX but is still skeptical of Musk's latency claims

David P. Reed dpreed at deepplum.com
Sat Jun 13 14:41:21 EDT 2020

On Saturday, June 13, 2020 1:43am, "David Lang" <david at lang.hm> said:

> Remember, Musk already sacked the starlink leadership once for being to stuck in
> 'the way satellites are always built' so if it doesn't work well under load and
> they can't fix it, he will find people who can.
He just might. Depends on who he asks. The fact that ATT literally couldn't fix its network for at least a year, and spent most of that year blaming Apple and the design of the iPhone, asking the right people isn't what arrogant organizations are good at. And firing people appeals to those who think Trump is brilliant as a manager - he appeals because he says "you're fired". I think sacking whole teams is an indication of someone who has risen to his level of incompetence, but that's just my opinion.
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