[Bloat] FW: [Dewayne-Net] Ajit Pai caves to SpaceX but is still skeptical of Musk's latency claims

Michael Richardson mcr at sandelman.ca
Sat Jun 13 20:36:56 EDT 2020

David Lang <david at lang.hm> wrote:
    >> David Lang <david at lang.hm> wrote:
    >> > my point is that the if the satellite links are not the bottleneck, no
    >> > queuing will happen there.
    >> It's a mesh of satellites.
    >> If you build it into a DODAG (RFC6550 would work well), then you will either
    >> a bottleneck at the top of tree (where the downlink to the DC is), or you
    >> will have significant under utilitization at the edges, which might encourage
    >> them to buffer.
    >> Now, the satellites are always moving, so which satellite is next to the DC
    >> will change, and this quite possibly could be exploited such that it's
    >> always a different buffer that you bloat, so the accumulated backlog that
    >> David P spoke about in his message might get to drain.
    >> But, the right way to use this mesh is, in my opinion, to have a lot of
    >> downlinks, and ideally, to do as much e2e connection as possible.
    >> Don't connect *to* the Internet, *become* an Internet.
    >> That is, routing in the satellite mesh, not just creation of circuits to DCs.

    > realistically, the vast majority of the people who have the mobile endpoints
    > are going to be talking to standard websites and services, and those are
    > going to be on the Internet, not on starlink nodes.

Well, as along as we continue to build NATworks on the assumption that
everyone is a consumer, not a citizen, that pattern will continue to happen.

I think that when FACEBOOK suggested such a thing, explaining how they could
accelerate everything through their servers, it was a major problem.

Had this been the attitude in 1989, then the Internet would never have
happened, and WWW would not have been a thing.

The lockdown has shown that actual low-latency e2e communication matters.
The gaming community has known this for awhile.

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works        |    IoT architect   [
]     mcr at sandelman.ca  http://www.sandelman.ca/        |   ruby on rails    [

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