[Bloat] [Cerowrt-devel] my thx to spacex (and kerbal space program) forcheering me up all year

Jonathan Morton chromatix99 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 1 19:18:39 EST 2021

> On 2 Jan, 2021, at 1:31 am, David P. Reed <dpreed at deepplum.com> wrote:
> Now, one wonders: why can't Starlink get it right first time?
> It's not like bufferbloat is hard on a single bent pipe hop, which is all Starlink does today.

The bloat doesn't seem to be in Starlink itself, but in the consumer-end modem.  This is fixable, just as soon as Starlink put their minds to it, because it's based on the same Atheros SoCs as the consumer CPE we're already familiar with.

 - Jonathan Morton

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