[Bloat] Bloat Digest, Vol 152, Issue 29

Replikon Research, D-U-N-S/FCN 77-387-4974 Admin at replikon.net
Sun Oct 1 03:00:57 EDT 2023


Think up a posting title more imaginative than the subject line of this

HHey again

All y'all better not quote the whole freaking digest back to the digest
neither all right

She it

My pronouns

Love to you guys we'll survive when the internet goes down cuz we knew we
needed to stock up on lentils and rice and water don't tell nobody please
now known as DBA the replikon net sp of USA 2023 with the same old duns
783-77-4974 and the same lifetime NPI number
And the same address listed there open from 2:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. most
nights to NPI holders and light duty cops and farming and red hats and
white hats but not black hats they'll get shot on site not by me don't come
around blackheads it's dangerous black hats damn it I hate Google voice

Or fax me if you want to send a sketch of your ass for your face either and
it's fine with me

New York School of art on Saturdays at 1:00 while the Opera plays I've
posed there whenever they'll have me that is the nysa in Vienna Virginia
New York City not New York City not New York City

God I hate Google voice I hate speech and language therapy I hate mumblers
and Mumble knees and people don't say hello and then say their name on the
phone they wait till you say what you're up to and then they're like I'm
not here

My best high school friend's mother is lying from feces in an unnamable
nursing home on Arlington boulevard

Paparazzi are cruising up the night will soon boulevard near here where I
am with Wilson boulevard in here correctly transcribed when we hear where I
am with my girl paparazzi cruising up and down the the Wilson boulevard
trying to get a picture of mine body but the rights on mine the right
belong to the thing being photographed it's a it's a flower it won't object
if it's a human being you don't say it's a stone and it has no rights do you

This world is headed for the end of it

I am headed for the end of me

Memo Memento more Memento more I remember man that thou art dust and unto
dust thou shalt return in imminently

The best die Young and leave a good looking corpse that's live fast die
Young and leave a good looking corpse correctly transcribe as James Dean
said it

Or live alone time die old and look like s*** that's the way I want to do
it but I don't want to die alone and I don't want my life to contain no

Enough said
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