[Bloat] [Rpm] [Starlink] [LibreQoS] net neutrality back in the news

Jan Ceuleers jan.ceuleers at gmail.com
Sat Sep 30 10:28:25 EDT 2023

On 30/09/2023 14:19, Sebastian Moeller via Bloat wrote:
> P.S.: Of course if we look close enough we surely can find corner-cases where either the EU regulations or the translation into national law result in less desirable outcomes, but "nothing is perfect" and all in all the regulations seem to be "good enough". With the caveat that explicitly excluding ISP interconnect from the regulations BEREC essentially pointed the way for ISPs wanting to monetize their eye-balls twice to do so via interconnects, but that only works for the 800 pound gorillas and generally is not a game smaller ISPs can play. I do understand why BEREC wants to stay out of the interconnection issue, as this is rather complicated and the market seems to generally work okay-ish (that is not badly enough to make intervention a hot-button issue for voters and hence politicians).
EU Regulations have force of law in and of themselves; they need not be
transposed into national law. That sets Regulations apart from
Directives: those do need to be transposed into national law. Having
said that many member states may adopt laws that implement Regulations,
but in case of any differences between those national laws and the
Regulations in question the Regulations will prevail in the courts.

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