[Bloat] The sad state of MP-TCP

Toke Høiland-Jørgensen toke at toke.dk
Mon Apr 1 16:33:13 EDT 2024

Juliusz Chroboczek via Bloat <bloat at lists.bufferbloat.net> writes:

> Unfortunately, MP-TCP does not replace TCP in Linux, it's implemented as
> a separate transport protocol.  That means that in order to use MP-TCP,
> every application needs to be patched to use PROT_MPTCP instead of
> PROT_TCP.  Go applications need to call SetMultipathTCP(true) on every
> net.Conn and every net.Listener.
> There should be a knob in the kernel to transparently replace TCP with
> MP-TCP, but I couldn't find one.

There is, sorta. Specifically, a BPF hook that can override the protocol
(added in kernel 6.6):



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