[Bloat] [Make-wifi-fast] [Starlink] bloat on wifi8 and 802.11 wg

David Collier-Brown davec-b at rogers.com
Mon Sep 2 19:22:22 EDT 2024

On 9/2/24 00:20, Hal Murray via Bloat wrote
> What does that say about the minimal collection of gear required in a test
> lab?
> If you had a lab with plenty of gear, what tests would you run?
> How many different tests would it take to give reasonable coverage?
This is called "the modem testing problem" (:-))  The usual answers are

 1. just my own brand
 2. the most popular, plus mine

That slowly leads to a series of failures in the industry, followed by 
lots of mergers and acquisitions.

If one has a collection of hardware that have APIs, and a testing 
mechanism that's also programmable, then you can do /line coverage by 
exhaustion/, identify the failing configurations Given a list of failing 
combinations, you can set up tests for just them to run more often.

As it's name suggests, the main test can take a while (:-))


David Collier-Brown,         | Always do right. This will gratify
System Programmer and Author | some people and astonish the rest
davecb at spamcop.net           |              -- Mark Twain
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