I read that it's not intended to be, but I've just installed Cerowrt as my primary router at home. I was surprised by the fact that:<br><br>* The list of open/filtered ports in an external nmap is bigger than I expect. I saw the explanation for some of them like ftp/telnet.<br>
* But one of them is DNS, and it's really open, and recursively resolving for the entire internet.<br>* And it's answering private (172.30...) names that the world shouldn't know.<br>* I haven't changed any firewalling rules, but the guest wireless (gw10) can see the lan (se00) addresses and communicate with them.<br>
<br>I'm sure I could tweak the rules to "fix" all of these, but I'm surprised that this is the default configuration. And I'm not yet 100% confident of the difference between the Firewall pane's "General Settings" and "Traffic Rules" yet, so I don't want to poke too much.<br>