<div dir="ltr"><div>I hope I can get a bit more information on what comprises the total
solution. But knitting it together proves a bit hard (for me at least).
Without this, it is hard to follow the discussions on the list. Has
anyone made a summary of how all of this works together?<br>
<br></div><div>So:<br><br>1. In order to move the bottleneck to a device
under our administrative control, we need to shape traffic (we need to
become the bottleneck). <br>2. Next, we have the AQM-algorithms that manage the (or a) queue. <br>
</div><div>3. And then there are still issues with multiple flows and with UDP?<br><br></div><div>From
what I understand, we need to shape traffic, and then drop packets
taking into account that the most aggressive flow (the flow that
contributes the most to filling a buffer), is the flow that will get the
most packets dropped. This to prevent the aggressive flow from
impacting flows that behave better. <br>
<br></div><div>Now for UDP, is the problem here that we cannot identify
flows, and hence, only have one queue for UDP whereas for TCP we can
have multiple? <br><br></div>Any good resources are more than welcome:-)!<br>