[Cake] #17

Sebastian Moeller moeller0 at gmx.de
Mon Apr 13 10:59:05 EDT 2015

Hi Dave, hi Jonathan,

>> On Sat Apr 11 19:33:59 PDT 2015, Dave That <dave.taht at gmail.com> wrote:
>> 17)  the atm compensation in cake is entirely untested. And it is
>> unclear as to how best handle pppoe.

	I wonder could cake use http://lxr.free-electrons.com/ident?i=skb_flow_dissect to get the inputs for the hash function? This function seems to dive into pppoe as well as GRE so should allow proper flow separation for a number of relevant encapsulations without the need to code this up again? (For all I know cake might already be using this ;) ) Thgis would be nice since then cake could easily run on a physical interface like ge00 in cerowrt and would not need to work on pppoe-ge00 (which is a pain as it comes and goes ;) )

Best Regards

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