[Cake] Long-RTT broken again

Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant kevin at darbyshire-bryant.me.uk
Wed Nov 11 05:23:17 EST 2015

On 08/11/2015 16:29, Dave Taht wrote:
> Applause all around!
> Dave Täht
> Let's go make home routers and wifi faster! With better software!
> https://www.gofundme.com/savewifi

Indeed!  I don't know when this bug first surfaced, or if it's
effectively always been there, but I can definitely report an
improvement in marks vs drops vs packet loss under load since the fix
went in...and that's even on a standard 100ms rtt link.  For those
vaguely interested, I monitor my home broadband link with
'Thinkbroadband's Broadband quality monitor.  It sends a ping packet
every second and measures the reply (or not) simple but useful monitor. 
Here's a link to my active monitor
- vertical red spikes are probably me fiddling with firmware ;-)

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