[Cake] Configuring cake for VDSL2 bridged connection

moeller0 moeller0 at gmx.de
Fri Aug 26 07:29:55 EDT 2016

Hi techicist,

> On Aug 26, 2016, at 13:15 , techicist at gmail.com wrote:
> Is flowblind likely to give better performance?

	That depends on your definition of better, I guess. Typically flow-fair queuing seems to be what most people prefer (unless an application either does not respond to AQM signals or open an excessive amount of individual flows flow-fair queueing effectively treats most traffic sources equal, pretty much what people seem to want, add to this a bit of classification to exempt e.g. VOIP traffic from only getting its flow-fair share of the bandwidth and the whole thing also works reasonably well with slow links). People suffering from unruly applications (like mis-configured? bit-torrent clients or recently windows update) often ask for per-application fairness, but that is not something a router will ever be able to deliver in my opinion; the closest we get to this would be fairnes by internal or external end-IP addresses. Luckily cake offers just these modes “dsthost”, “srchost” and even better offers a combination modes that will on a first level attempt per host-IP fairness and within each host IP also per-flow fairness (“dual-srchost” and “dual-dsthost”, and even “triple-isolate” which systematically might be better called “dual-srchost-dsthost” since it offers fist level fairness based on an under-documented mix of src and dst addresses, but I digress). Please note that on a typical homerouter, due to NAT, all the IP addressed based fairness modes will not work for IPv4 on the wan interface, IPv6 traffic should be fine, but IPv4 basically degrades into a computationally more intensive version of flow-fairness (as after NAT cake only sees the routers external IP for all internal hosts). This might have been more than you wanted to know…

Best Regards

> netperfrunner looks very useful. Thank you for that.
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