[Cake] Airtime fairness patch merged upstream, and the Turris Omnia debloated

Sebastian Moeller moeller0 at gmx.de
Tue Dec 20 06:09:20 EST 2016

Hi Kevin,

> On Dec 20, 2016, at 09:49, Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant <kevin at darbyshire-bryant.me.uk> wrote:
> Forgot to add:
> sqm-scripts itself forces 'diffserv4' so you won't see the default of 'diffserv3' sadly, but at least you can override that with the advanced qdisc options.

well, now that we actually have two distributions (LEDE and turris) that ship cake, exposing more cake control in the SQM-scripts GUI is on my TODO list (but work currently is not giving me much time for anything else). I do plan on, switching cake to use its own LLA-method by default, and expose the diffserv schemes, isolation schemes and the de-NAT option. 
The advanced qdisc options, while great for debugging, are not user-friendly enough for wider use (try setting options for cake and switch back to fq_codel, not nice IIRC).

Best Regards

> On 20/12/16 08:46, Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant wrote:
>> On 20/12/16 00:10, Dave Taht wrote:
>>> I note that jon just merged cobalt and made the sqm mode (diffserv3)
>>> and triple-isolate the default.
>> The cobalt branch pre 'diffserv3' merge into master has been in LEDE for
>> the past 8 days and the post 'diffserv3' merge along with an iproute/tc
>> tweak is in blogic's LEDE staging tree
>> https://git.lede-project.org/?p=lede/blogic/staging.git;a=summary
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