[Cake] cake/tc - removal of atm/ptm/ethernet specific overhead keywords

moeller0 moeller0 at gmx.de
Thu Jun 2 10:59:59 EDT 2016

Hi Toke,

> On Jun 2, 2016, at 16:27 , Toke Høiland-Jørgensen <toke at toke.dk> wrote:
> Jonathan Morton <chromatix99 at gmail.com> writes:
>> It would be nice if LuCI could infer information about the likely
>> overheads from the rest of the configuration, and apply (or suggest &
>> default) the correct keywords in sqm-scripts. That would make the
>> feature much more widely used.
> We can probably do this for the most common cases, but am not so sure
> it's unambiguous when to pick what. If someone can supply a couple of
> examples of configuration where we are fairly certain we know what to
> pick, I can look into how that can be inferred in luci…

	As I tried to convey before the matter is far from simple. For example my ISP, DTAG, has at least 4 different sets of per packet overhead (ATM versus PTM, BRAS versus BNG) so even for this one ISP there is not one solution to the issue. And with BRAS/BNG shaping as used by say DTAG the actual VDLS2 related overhead becomes irrelevant compared to the overhead setting of that applied policer. I believe trying to simplify this complexity will lead to false overhead recommendations. I would rather direct people to better documentation how to deduce the overhead by measurements and research…


> -Toke
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