[Cake] Proposing COBALT

David Lang david at lang.hm
Fri May 20 09:41:01 EDT 2016

On Fri, 20 May 2016, Jonathan Morton wrote:

> Normal traffic does not include large numbers of fragmented packets (I would 
> expect a mere handful from certain one-shot request-response protocols which 
> can produce large responses), so it is better to shunt them to a single queue 
> per host-pair.

I don't agree with this.

Normal traffic on a well setup network should not include large numbers of 
fragmented packets. But I have seen too many networks that fragment almost 
everything as a result of there being a hop that goes through one or more 
tunneling layers that lower the effective MTU (and no, path mtu discovery does 
not always work)

David Lang

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