[Cake] [Codel] Proposing COBALT

Rick Jones rick.jones2 at hpe.com
Fri May 20 12:20:27 EDT 2016

On 05/20/2016 08:12 AM, Jonathan Morton wrote:
>> On 20 May, 2016, at 17:04, David Lang <david at lang.hm> wrote:
>> Is it possible to get speed testing software to detect that it's receiving fragments and warn about that?
> Do iperf3’s maintainers accept patches?

Netperf's maintainer has been known to accept patches so long as they 
aren't too hairy.  That said, it isn't clear how something operating 
above the socket interface is going to know that the traffic it was 
receiving was in the form of reassembled IP datagram fragments.

happy benchmarking,

rick jones

I suppose if said software were to dive below the socket interface it 
could find-out, though that will tend to lack portability.

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