[Cake] Getting Cake to work better with Steam and similar applications

David Lang david at lang.hm
Sun Apr 23 08:32:01 EDT 2017

On Sun, 23 Apr 2017, Sebastian Moeller wrote:

>> About the per-host fairness download issue: while it's kinda resolved I still feel like it's mainly related to Steam, as normally downloading files from PC1 and PC2 halved the speed as expected even at full bandwidth (so no overhead, no -15%).
> 	This might be true, but for cake to meaningfully resolve bufferbloat you absolutely _must_ take care to account for encapsulation and overhead one way or another.

well, one way to account for this overhead is to set the allowed bandwidth low 
enough. Being precise on this overhead lets you get closer to the actual line 
rate, but if you have enough bandwidth, it may not really matter (i.e. if you 
have a 100Mb connection and only get 70Mb out of it, you probably won't notice 
unless you go looking)

David Lang

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