[Cake] [net-next PATCH 00/14] lockless qdisc series

Pete Heist peteheist at gmail.com
Thu Dec 7 16:57:19 EST 2017

> On Dec 7, 2017, at 8:07 PM, Dave Taht <dave.taht at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm forwarding this sort of stuff 'cause I keep hoping to find more
> optimizations for cake, and it really seems like cheap multicores have
> grown very common.

Great, that sounds like it could be a real improvement. I’m thinking again of ER-Xs, which are weak quad-cores that can’t run cake at more than around 100Mbps aggregate bandwidth, and do better at significantly less.

Speaking of those, Ubiquiti hasn’t responded yet but at least the new kernel request has more Kudos than a number of other requests that have already been accepted, for what that’s worth, and in case anyone hasn’t added their vote (https://community.ubnt.com/t5/EdgeMAX-Feature-Requests/Upgrade-Linux-kernel-to-at-least-4-4/idi-p/2140663).

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