[Cake] Getting Cake to work better with Steam and similar applications

Jonathan Morton chromatix99 at gmail.com
Mon May 1 08:08:17 EDT 2017

> On 1 May, 2017, at 14:32, Andy Furniss <adf.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
> Well it seems distance is important for BBR. It seems to have a design
> whereby your rtt to the server determines how badly it will bork your
> latency. Unlike cubic it doesn't take loss/ecn as a hint to get out of
> its exponential phase, which is IMHO not a friendly thing to do, I mean
> didn't they think people have to share connections :-(
> Playing with a sim, something like dash that grabs a meg waits then gets
> another with a new connection needs crazy amount of back off to avoid
> borking latency every chunk. The amount of disruption getting worse the
> higher the RTT of the TCP.

Just to be sure - are you running sch_fq on the egress interface(s) of the BBR sender?  If not, *you are not running BBR*.  BBR needs the pacing functionality of sch_fq to work correctly.

 - Jonathan Morton

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