[Cake] Cake] Current status and recommendations for APU2C*/ArcherC7 and ath10k platforms?

Jon Pike jonpike54 at gmail.com
Mon May 8 22:27:07 EDT 2017

Been away for a while...  and never got a response to the question about
which wifI routers have the new wifi fast stuff working on their ath10k.

Thought I'd ask again if the C7 would ever get it, or which other routers
currently do.

On Apr 20, 2017 3:05 PM, "Jon Pike" <jonpike54 at gmail.com> wrote:

* >1. What's the status of make >wifi fast on the ath10k now, or >did it
*>* make it there yet?

>Well, the queue rework is in >there, but only enabled for >certain
>hardware. Not for the Archer, >though...


Is there a handy list of which devices are MWFF functional on ath9k and ath10k?

On Apr 20, 2017 2:13 PM, "Jon Pike" <jonpike54 at gmail.com> wrote:

> >The 17.01 LEDE release is great for >both the C7 and the WNDR3800, and
> has all the WiFi-related fixes (bufferbloat fixes and airtime fairness)
> included. You'll probably need something beefier for a main gateway at
> those speeds, though. Not sure about the APU2; think it is supported in
> >LEDE as well?
> Just a note, I have a C7, and it might just be able to get by at your speeds. Actually, have a 300/30mbit cable connection, so I've done a lot of experimenting to see how much of that it can handle. The limit seems to be about 120-140 (set) with measured speed being 100-125mbit, with Cake running, before my C7 starts hitting 0% idle.  Now, only ingress is that fast, with the egress much slower, not sure if it would he  worse case with both about as fast.  No SQM, or SQM on the 30mbit egress only, and it's good to >340mbit.
> Thought this might be a good place to ask a question or two abt the wifi fast stuff... while Toke's listening.
> 1. What's the status of make wifi fast on the ath10k now, or did it make it there yet?
> 2. Is there any benefit or reason to use (or not) the optional Caldera ath10k driver vs the standard one? (Possibly no MWFF connection)
> TNX...
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