[Cake] [PATCH] q_cake: Update xstats format to use per-tin structure

Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant kevin at darbyshire-bryant.me.uk
Wed Mar 7 06:07:24 EST 2018

> On 7 Mar 2018, at 10:31, Toke Høiland-Jørgensen <toke at toke.dk> wrote:
> Please don't put something different into LEDE than what we're working
> on upstreaming. It is difficult enough to keep track of the different
> versions as they are. The tc-adv repo is already rebased on the upstream
> iproute2-next, so if there is anything else that needs to be changed, it
> should be changed in that repo and not in a fork...
> -Toke

Received & understood.  Not sending to lede… probably a good idea anyway as the main stats (not tin stats) are broken for me.  I wonder if this is because q_cake has to be imported to lede as a patch applied on top of whatever iproute2 version they’re using as the base?


Kevin D-B

012C ACB2 28C6 C53E 9775  9123 B3A2 389B 9DE2 334A

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