[Cake] dual-src/dsthost unfairness, only with bi-directional traffic

gamanakis at gmail.com gamanakis at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 22:47:02 EST 2019

Of course I pasted the results for IP1 and IP2 the wrong way. Sorry!
These are the correct results, along with the *.flent.gz files.

flent -H tcp_8down &
Data file written to ./tcp_8down-2019-01-15T223703.709305.flent.gz.
Summary of tcp_8down test run at 2019-01-16 03:37:03.709305:

                             avg       median          # data pts
 Ping (ms) ICMP   :         0.78         0.72 ms              342
 TCP download avg :         6.03         5.83 Mbits/s         301
 TCP download sum :        48.24        46.65 Mbits/s         301
 TCP download::1  :         6.03         5.83 Mbits/s         298
 TCP download::2  :         6.03         5.83 Mbits/s         297
 TCP download::3  :         6.03         5.83 Mbits/s         297
 TCP download::4  :         6.03         5.83 Mbits/s         298
 TCP download::5  :         6.03         5.83 Mbits/s         298
 TCP download::6  :         6.03         5.83 Mbits/s         298
 TCP download::7  :         6.03         5.83 Mbits/s         297
 TCP download::8  :         6.03         5.83 Mbits/s         298

flent -H tcp_1up &
Data file written to ./tcp_1up-2019-01-15T223704.711193.flent.gz.
Summary of tcp_1up test run at 2019-01-16 03:37:04.711193:

                           avg       median          # data pts
 Ping (ms) ICMP :         0.79         0.73 ms              342
 TCP upload     :        48.12        46.69 Mbits/s         294

flent -H tcp_1down &
Data file written to ./tcp_1down-2019-01-15T223705.693550.flent.gz.
Summary of tcp_1down test run at 2019-01-16 03:37:05.693550:

                           avg       median          # data pts
 Ping (ms) ICMP :         0.77         0.69 ms              341
 TCP download   :        48.10        46.65 Mbits/s         300

flent -H tcp_8up &
Data file written to ./tcp_8up-2019-01-15T223706.706614.flent.gz.
Summary of tcp_8up test run at 2019-01-16 03:37:06.706614:

                           avg       median          # data pts
 Ping (ms) ICMP :         0.74         0.70 ms              341
 TCP upload avg :         6.03         5.83 Mbits/s         301
 TCP upload sum :        48.25        46.63 Mbits/s         301
 TCP upload::1  :         6.04         5.86 Mbits/s         226
 TCP upload::2  :         6.03         5.86 Mbits/s         226
 TCP upload::3  :         6.03         5.86 Mbits/s         226
 TCP upload::4  :         6.03         5.86 Mbits/s         225
 TCP upload::5  :         6.03         5.86 Mbits/s         226
 TCP upload::6  :         6.03         5.86 Mbits/s         226
 TCP upload::7  :         6.03         5.78 Mbits/s         220
 TCP upload::8  :         6.03         5.88 Mbits/s         277

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