[Cake] Possible conntrack lookup improvements

Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant kevin at darbyshire-bryant.me.uk
Fri May 3 09:55:44 EDT 2019

Hi Everyone,

I’ve been working on act_ctinfo toward getting that upstream and it is getting closer.  Since that module along with act_connmark does its own conntrack lookups I’ve been looking at what they do and what we do in cake.

Two patches attached - one is a simple variable elimination with no functional change.  The second changes/simplifies the conntrack tuple lookup & usage.  I’ve had a play and I don’t think I’ve broken any of the host fairness BUT it could do with some more testing, that’s where you come in… probably Pete & George :-)


Kevin D-B

gpg: 012C ACB2 28C6 C53E 9775  9123 B3A2 389B 9DE2 334A
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Desc: 0002-refactor-conntrack-lookup.patch
URL: <https://lists.bufferbloat.net/pipermail/cake/attachments/20190503/b9319625/attachment-0001.obj>

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