[Cake] [Bloat] starlink testing

David Lang david at lang.hm
Mon Apr 19 17:42:58 EDT 2021

I've watched those, and it's PoE communication to the dish, and there is a 
processor on the dish with a serial console.

I haven't seen any follow-ups where anyone has gotten a login to the dish or has 
sniffed the traffic between the dish and the router.

I haven't seen anything that would show that the router has (or doesn't have) 
any awareness of the satellite network.

That's why I was asking about sniffing between the devices to see what's 
happening there.

David Lang

On Mon, 19 Apr 2021, Michael Richardson wrote:

> David Lang <david at lang.hm> wrote:
>    > are you able to sniff between the router and the dish? I'm curious how much
>    > of the smarts is in the dish vs the router. My hope is that the router is
>    > just a conventional router with the satellite network smarts in the dish.
> No.
> See the teardowns, such as: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QudtSo5tpLk
> It's a huge synthetic antenna.  It's openwrt though.

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