[Cake] centos 8 and cake and flent

Kenneth Porter shiva at sewingwitch.com
Thu May 6 16:57:34 EDT 2021

--On Thursday, May 06, 2021 11:49 AM -0700 Dave Taht <dave.taht at gmail.com> 

> Is there a yum/rpm expert in the house? flent does not appear to be
> packaged up for this (?),
> neither is netperf or irtt. Is there a repo I could use?

I suggest using Fedora Copr to host a repo. I use BackupPC on my CentOS 7 
servers to back up my Windows boxes and I get the latest version from a 
Copr repo. You feed it a source RPM and it builds it for various distro 
versions and produces a repo.


Here's an example of what's produced:


> tc is not supplied by default apparently but I was relieved to see
> once I built iproute head that
> fq_codel was indeed the default scheduler for centos. But jeeze, tc is
> not supplied by default in centos?

tc is in the standard iproute package for CentOS 7 and in iproute-tc for 
CentOS 8. Try "yum whatprovides tc".

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