[Cake] some comprehensive arm64 w/cake results

dave seddon dave.seddon.ca at gmail.com
Fri Oct 13 11:59:45 EDT 2023


I've been working away on automation of the tests.  Pretty close to having
much nicer tests with a lot more details.  I've also got the risc-v device

However, I've run into something funny with flent.  Flent is not happy with
fping or ping.

das at 3rd:~/Downloads/cake/cmd/run_qdiscs_tests$ /usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/ip
netns exec network101 /usr/bin/flent rrul --output
--data-dir /tmp/qdisc/2023-10-13T15:53:21/pi4/noqueue/flent/test/15_flent/
--format summary --plot all_scaled --title-extra
2023-10-13T15:53:21_pi4_noqueue --note 2023-10-13T15:53:21_pi4_noqueue
--extended-metadata --host --length 60 --ipv4 --socket-stats
Starting Flent 2.0.1 using Python 3.10.12.
Starting rrul test. Expected run time: 70 seconds.
WARNING: Found fping, but couldn't parse its output. Not
using.              <---------------- ???
ERROR: Runner Ping (ms) ICMP failed check: Cannot parse output of the
system ping binary (/usr/bin/ping). Please install fping v3.5+.    <----- ??

das at 3rd:~/Downloads/cake/cmd/run_qdiscs_tests$ dpkg --list | grep ping
ii  fping                                 5.1-1
      amd64        sends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
ii  iputils-ping                          3:20211215-1
       amd64        Tools to test the reachability of network hosts
ii  kpartx                                0.8.8-1ubuntu1.22.04.1
       amd64        create device mappings for partitions
ii  libharfbuzz0b:amd64                   2.7.4-1ubuntu3.1
       amd64        OpenType text shaping engine (shared library)
das at 3rd:~/Downloads/cake/cmd/run_qdiscs_tests$ fping --version
fping: Version 5.1
das at 3rd:~/Downloads/cake/cmd/run_qdiscs_tests$ ping -V
ping from iputils 20211215

das at 3rd:~/Downloads/cake/cmd/run_qdiscs_tests$ cat /etc/lsb-release

I did install via "apt install fping"

Any thoughts please?

Kind regards,

On Thu, Sep 28, 2023 at 6:27 AM Sebastian Moeller via Cake <
cake at lists.bufferbloat.net> wrote:

> > On Sep 28, 2023, at 15:19, David Lang <david at lang.hm> wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, 28 Sep 2023, Sebastian Moeller via Cake wrote:
> >
> >> P.S.: I am tempted, but will likely wait until they are available in
> quantity and hope that the street price comes down a bit before getting one
> ;)
> >
> > They aren't available at all yet, and it's not clear when they will be
> available.
>         The announcement was end of October, but I think I could pre-order
> right now if I was feeling an urge. You are right though, announced !=
> available or delivered.
> Regards
>         Sebastian
> P.S.: I have a pi400 in use as "desktop" for my oldest kid, this is close
> to be actually generally usable, I would guess that changing a potential
> p500 from the pi400's 4GB to 8 GB together with the other imprivements the
> 5 brings might push it over the threshold into the truly useful category.
> Which probably means that either a potential pi500 will come late and
> probably with only 4 GB, but let's see how this works out now that the
> supply situation is less problematic.
> And I understand that there are other capable ARM based SoCs for
> homerouter/desktop duty, I just happen ot have a soft spot for the
> raspberry project ;)
> >
> > David Lang
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Dave Seddon
+1 415 857 5102
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