[Cake] some comprehensive arm64 w/cake results

dave seddon dave.seddon.ca at gmail.com
Sun Oct 15 11:11:23 EDT 2023


I've put more work into a test framework around the qdisc tests, but
unfortunately flent doesn't work easily with Ubuntu LTS (
https://github.com/tohojo/flent/issues/232, which I think is an issue with
flent parsing the fping output ).

Results and graphs in this sheet:

Raw results of x2 test runs are here:

Each run:

Full iperf outputs are available too, for example:

Logs for each run are also available, for example:

The code repo updated here: https://github.com/randomizedcoder/cake , with
thehttps://github.com/randomizedcoder/cake/blob/main/README.md which
explains how the test work.
Updated google doc is started here:

Based on the questions on this list earlier, there is a folder with device
information for each of the devices

For example, the Pi4 and the Lichee Pi (risc-v) hardware layout is here:
- https://github.com/randomizedcoder/cake/blob/main/device_info/pi4/hwloc-ls-pi4.png


The switch has also been upgraded to a Cisco 3750x, which I think based on
the "show interface" output has a max queue size of 40 frames.  The test
process clears the counters before each test and gathers the "show
interface" output at the end.

The Lichee Pi 4A doesn't look good (
https://wiki.sipeed.com/hardware/en/lichee/th1520/lp4a.html )

[image: image.png]
I really wish the flent was working, so I'll probably see if I can work out
the parsing.

Dave Seddon

On Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 10:25 AM dave seddon <dave.seddon.ca at gmail.com>

> My bad.  There's a bug for this.... Looks like I have to downgrade fping
> https://github.com/tohojo/flent/issues/232
> https://github.com/schweikert/fping/issues/203
> On Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 8:59 AM dave seddon <dave.seddon.ca at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> G'day,
>> I've been working away on automation of the tests.  Pretty close to
>> having much nicer tests with a lot more details.  I've also got the risc-v
>> device working.
>> However, I've run into something funny with flent.  Flent is not happy
>> with fping or ping.
>> das at 3rd:~/Downloads/cake/cmd/run_qdiscs_tests$ /usr/bin/sudo
>> /usr/sbin/ip netns exec network101 /usr/bin/flent rrul --output
>>  /tmp/qdisc/2023-10-13T15:53:21/pi4/noqueue/flent/test/15_flent/flent_pi4_noqueue.png
>> --data-dir /tmp/qdisc/2023-10-13T15:53:21/pi4/noqueue/flent/test/15_flent/
>> --format summary --plot all_scaled --title-extra
>> 2023-10-13T15:53:21_pi4_noqueue --note 2023-10-13T15:53:21_pi4_noqueue
>> --extended-metadata --host --length 60 --ipv4 --socket-stats
>> Starting Flent 2.0.1 using Python 3.10.12.
>> Starting rrul test. Expected run time: 70 seconds.
>> WARNING: Found fping, but couldn't parse its output. Not
>> using.              <---------------- ???
>> ERROR: Runner Ping (ms) ICMP failed check: Cannot parse output of the
>> system ping binary (/usr/bin/ping). Please install fping v3.5+.    <----- ??
>> das at 3rd:~/Downloads/cake/cmd/run_qdiscs_tests$ dpkg --list | grep ping
>> ii  fping                                 5.1-1
>>         amd64        sends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
>> ii  iputils-ping                          3:20211215-1
>>          amd64        Tools to test the reachability of network hosts
>> ii  kpartx                                0.8.8-1ubuntu1.22.04.1
>>          amd64        create device mappings for partitions
>> ii  libharfbuzz0b:amd64                   2.7.4-1ubuntu3.1
>>          amd64        OpenType text shaping engine (shared library)
>> das at 3rd:~/Downloads/cake/cmd/run_qdiscs_tests$ fping --version
>> fping: Version 5.1
>> das at 3rd:~/Downloads/cake/cmd/run_qdiscs_tests$ ping -V
>> ping from iputils 20211215
>> das at 3rd:~/Downloads/cake/cmd/run_qdiscs_tests$ cat /etc/lsb-release
>> DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu
>> I did install via "apt install fping"
>> Any thoughts please?
>> Kind regards,
>> Dave
>> On Thu, Sep 28, 2023 at 6:27 AM Sebastian Moeller via Cake <
>> cake at lists.bufferbloat.net> wrote:
>>> > On Sep 28, 2023, at 15:19, David Lang <david at lang.hm> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > On Thu, 28 Sep 2023, Sebastian Moeller via Cake wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> P.S.: I am tempted, but will likely wait until they are available in
>>> quantity and hope that the street price comes down a bit before getting one
>>> ;)
>>> >
>>> > They aren't available at all yet, and it's not clear when they will be
>>> available.
>>>         The announcement was end of October, but I think I could
>>> pre-order right now if I was feeling an urge. You are right though,
>>> announced != available or delivered.
>>> Regards
>>>         Sebastian
>>> P.S.: I have a pi400 in use as "desktop" for my oldest kid, this is
>>> close to be actually generally usable, I would guess that changing a
>>> potential p500 from the pi400's 4GB to 8 GB together with the other
>>> imprivements the 5 brings might push it over the threshold into the truly
>>> useful category. Which probably means that either a potential pi500 will
>>> come late and probably with only 4 GB, but let's see how this works out now
>>> that the supply situation is less problematic.
>>> And I understand that there are other capable ARM based SoCs for
>>> homerouter/desktop duty, I just happen ot have a soft spot for the
>>> raspberry project ;)
>>> >
>>> > David Lang
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>>> Cake mailing list
>>> Cake at lists.bufferbloat.net
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>> --
>> Regards,
>> Dave Seddon
>> +1 415 857 5102
> --
> Regards,
> Dave Seddon
> +1 415 857 5102

Dave Seddon
+1 415 857 5102
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