[Cake] some comprehensive arm64 w/cake results

Sebastian Moeller moeller0 at gmx.de
Thu Sep 28 09:27:09 EDT 2023

> On Sep 28, 2023, at 15:19, David Lang <david at lang.hm> wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Sep 2023, Sebastian Moeller via Cake wrote:
>> P.S.: I am tempted, but will likely wait until they are available in quantity and hope that the street price comes down a bit before getting one ;)
> They aren't available at all yet, and it's not clear when they will be available.

	The announcement was end of October, but I think I could pre-order right now if I was feeling an urge. You are right though, announced != available or delivered.


P.S.: I have a pi400 in use as "desktop" for my oldest kid, this is close to be actually generally usable, I would guess that changing a potential p500 from the pi400's 4GB to 8 GB together with the other imprivements the 5 brings might push it over the threshold into the truly useful category. Which probably means that either a potential pi500 will come late and probably with only 4 GB, but let's see how this works out now that the supply situation is less problematic.
And I understand that there are other capable ARM based SoCs for homerouter/desktop duty, I just happen ot have a soft spot for the raspberry project ;)

> David Lang

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