[Cake] Fwd: [tsvwg] Collecting new comments about draft-cbs-teas-5qi-to-dscp-mapping

Dave Taht dave.taht at gmail.com
Fri Jan 10 10:28:42 EST 2025

More QoS markings from the 5G world. It´s quite the list.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: LUIS MIGUEL CONTRERAS MURILLO <luismiguel.contrerasmurillo at telefonica.com>
Date: Fri, Jan 10, 2025 at 7:25 AM
Subject: [tsvwg] Collecting new comments about
To: teas at ietf.org <teas at ietf.org>, tsvwg at ietf.org <tsvwg at ietf.org>
Cc: Krzysztof Szarkowicz <kszarkowicz at gmail.com>, Ivan Bykov
<Ivan.Bykov at rbbn.com>

Dear TEAS WG, copying as well TSVWG,

We, the co-authors of draft-5qi-to-dscp, would like to request your
attention to review the latest version of the draft (document is in
[1], the diff is in [2]), which was updated after the comments
received during IETF 120, but not presented during last IETF 121. We
want to keep progressing the work targeting new version for IETF 122.

This draft primarily addresses the problem of maintaining the service
quality of Radio QoS flows in the Transport Network Domain and focuses
on the application of traffic marking in the IETF domain, providing an
example of queue resource allocation in multi-service networks that
simultaneously serve E-UTRAN (LTE), NG-RAN (5G), and disaggregated
O-RAN architectures. The example is provided only for illustration of
the proposed methodology in the draft.

The draft adheres to the guidance provided by both 3GPP and O-RAN on
QoS flow traffic classification, prioritization and marking, and seeks
to explore the feasibility and implications of implementing these
guidelines within the IETF transport domain. This work aims to enhance
interoperability, coexistence and efficiency in network resource
allocation by bridging these architectures. In no way, the draft does
not impose nor expect any change in either 3GPP nor O-RAN sides. The
scope is only IETF concerns.

We appreciate your time and consideration, and we look forward to your
critical evaluation and constructive feedback.

Best regards,

Ivan, Krzysztof and Luis

[1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-cbs-teas-5qi-to-dscp-mapping-03

[2] https://author-tools.ietf.org/iddiff?url1=draft-cbs-teas-5qi-to-dscp-mapping-02&url2=draft-cbs-teas-5qi-to-dscp-mapping-03&difftype=--html


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Dave Täht CSO, LibreQos

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