[Cerowrt-devel] Dropping features from cerowrt

Dave Taht dave.taht at gmail.com
Sat Dec 24 15:26:16 EST 2011

> I'd like a tool that can analyze the burstyness of flows. We have
> (with things like TSO/GSO, no AQM, wireless aggregation, and the
> architecture of many TCP stacks) introduced, effectively,

Didn't finish this sentence. ... "something worse than jumbo-packets,
which (thankfully) never escaped the data center. "

>> PS I was able to install rc6 trivially, and got it to work nicely on a WNCR3700v2. Your install instructions for OSX were impeccable. I now need to decide whether to heed your advice (not to inflict these builds on spouses and small children) or switch over to the stock Openwrt build.
> Heh. I could have said this better. (At the time I was not a happy
> guy). My hope would be for those interested in this project to
> evaluate a stable cerowrt release for day-to-day use, make sure it's
> fully compatible with their wives and small children FIRST, then
> deploy for day to day. :)

And I realize that I wasn't being politically correct, here. 'spouses
and small children'. Fixing bufferbloat is an equal opportunity

in my case I drive myself crazy with the need to be on the internet -
and debug a router. I can't file bugs - or look at them, after
knocking myself off the net. I miss gnats, and I like using org-mode
to manage my stack, and wish the world had more off-line applications
like git. Git is a life saver.

Dave Täht
SKYPE: davetaht
US Tel: 1-239-829-5608
FR Tel: 0638645374

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