[Cerowrt-devel] ADSL Issue (PPPoE)

Sebastian Moeller moeller0 at gmx.de
Wed Aug 1 18:58:15 EDT 2012

Hi William,

On Aug 1, 2012, at 5:34 AM, William Katsak wrote:

> Thanks for the insight. I would definitely be interested in your
> program for measuring the overhead.

	Ah great. So here is what to do:
0) IUse "traceroute" to figure out the IP address of the first hop on the other side of your modem (but see below)

1) from my MacBooks terminal I edit and run ping_sweeper_02.sh (inlined below) which talks around 6 hours (I just run this overnight)
	assign the first outside hop's IP address to TARGET

#! /bin/bash
# ideally one would shuffle all size*repetition to better average out transient issues
# 1) use "traceroute" and find the network hops just outside of your modem
# 	typically for ATM the modem to DSLAM link will introduce an additional >10ms latency 
#	so the hop directly after the first big latency jump should be close to the DSLAM, use 
#	this hops IP address should be used as TARGET below
# 2) optional confirm this IPs reliability by running "ping -c 100" against this IP
#	the min and max of the ping times should stay close to the average and the stddev
#	 should be small as well, otherwise PINGSPERSIZE might need to be set to >=100

TECH=ATM			# CABLE, ATM, ... just to name the log file
DATESTR=`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S`	# to allow multiple sequential records
TARGET=	# use traceroute something far to get the first hop out of the home net

PINGSPERSIZE=50		# 480 packet sizes take 13.33 hours at 100 repetitions, so stick to 50
SWEEPMINSIZE=16		# on macosx 10.7 64bit, sizes < 16 do not have a timestamp...
SWEEPMAXSIZE=496	# initial size plus 10 full ATM cells (of 48 bytes payload each)

# do it
echo "Sweeping ${n_SWEEPS} * ${PINGSPERSIZE} pings to ${TARGET} might take a while..."

# show some progress
tail -f ${LOG}

echo "Done... ($0)"

3) run the following in matlab or octave (tested with octave 3.6) (inlined and attached) as tc_stab_parameter_guide_02('filly_qualified_path_to_the_ping_log', your_uplink_rate_in_Kbit, your_downlink_rate_in_Kbit) and then wait a bit (it might take a minute or two)

function [ output_args ] = tc_stab_parameter_guide_02( sweep_fqn, up_Kbit, down_Kbit )
%TC_STAB_PARAMETER_GUIDE Summary of this function goes here
%   try to read in the result from a ping sweep run
%	sweep_fqn: the log file of the ping sweep against the first hop after
%		the DSL link
%	up_Kbit: the uplink rate in Kilobits per second
%	down_Kbit: the downlink rate in Kilobits per second
%	find whether the carrier is ATM quantized
%	if yes:
%		what is the RTT step (try to deduce the combined up and down rates from this)
%		try to figure out the overhead for each packet
%	make sure all sizes are filled (use NaN for emty ones???)
%	maybe require to give the nominal up and down rates, to estimate the
%		RTT stepsize
%	ask about IPv4 or IPv6 (what about tunneling?)
%	the sweep should be taken directly connected to the modem to reduce
%		non-ATM routing delays

dbstop if error;
if ~(isoctave)
	timestamps.(mfilename).start = tic;
disp(['Starting: ', mfilename]);

% control options
show_mean = 0;		% the means are noisier than the medians
show_median = 1;	% the mean is the way to go
show_min = 1;		% the min should be the best measure, but in the ATM test sweep is too variable
show_max = 0;		% only useful for debugging
show_sem = 0;		% give some estimate of the variance
show_ci = 1;		% show the confidence interval of the mean
ci_alpha = 0.05;	% alpha for confidence interval calculation
use_measure = 'median';
use_processed_results = 1;

if (nargin == 0)
	sweep_fqn = fullfile(pwd, 'ping_sweep_ATM.txt');	% was Bridged, LLC/SNAP RFC-1483/2684 connection (overhead 32 bytes - 14 = 18)
%  	sweep_fqn = fullfile(pwd, 'ping_sweep_CABLE_20120426_230227.txt');
%  	sweep_fqn = fullfile(pwd, 'ping_sweep_CABLE_20120801_001235.txt');
	up_Kbit = 512;
	down_Kbit = 3008;
if (nargin == 1)
	up_Kbit = 512;
	down_Kbit = 3008;
if (nargin == 2)
	down_Kbit = 3008;

quantum.byte = 48;	% ATM packets are always 53 bytes, 48 thereof payload
quantum.bit = quantum.byte * 8;
ATM_cell.byte = 53;
ATM_cell.bit = ATM_cell.byte * 8;

line.down.Kbit = down_Kbit;
line.up.Kbit = up_Kbit;
line.down.bit = line.down.Kbit * 1024;
line.up.bit = line.up.Kbit * 1024;

% known packet size offsets in bytes
offsets.IPv4 = 20;		% assume no IPv4 options are used, IP 6 would be 40bytes?
offsets.IPv6 = 40;		% not used yet...
offsets.ICMP = 8;		% ICMP header
offsets.ethernet = 14;	% ethernet header
% unknown offsets is what we need to figure out to feed tc-stab...

[sweep_dir, sweep_name] = fileparts(sweep_fqn);
cur_parsed_data_mat = [sweep_fqn(1:end-4), '.mat'];

if (use_processed_results && ~isempty(dir(cur_parsed_data_mat)))
	disp(['Loading processed ping data from ', cur_parsed_data_mat]);
	load(cur_parsed_data_mat, 'ping');
	% read in the result from a ping sweep
	disp(['Processing ping data from ', sweep_fqn]);
	ping = parse_ping_output(sweep_fqn);
	save(cur_parsed_data_mat, 'ping');

% analyze the data
min_ping_size = min(ping.data(:, ping.cols.size)) - offsets.ICMP;
disp(['Minimum size of ping payload used: ', num2str(min_ping_size), ' bytes.']);
known_overhead = offsets.ICMP + min_ping_size + offsets.IPv4;
ping.data(:, ping.cols.size) = ping.data(:, ping.cols.size) + known_overhead;	% we know we used ping so add the 8 bytes already (since these will not account for overhead)
size_list = unique(ping.data(:, ping.cols.size));

per_size.header = {'size', 'mean', 'median', 'min', 'max', 'std', 'n', 'sem', 'ci'};
per_size.cols = get_column_name_indices(per_size.header);
per_size.data = zeros([length(size_list), length(per_size.header)]);
per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.size) = size_list;
for i_size = 1 : length(size_list)
	cur_size = size_list(i_size);
	cur_size_idx = find(ping.data(:, ping.cols.size) == cur_size);
	per_size.data(i_size, per_size.cols.mean) = mean(ping.data(cur_size_idx, ping.cols.time));
	per_size.data(i_size, per_size.cols.median) = median(ping.data(cur_size_idx, ping.cols.time));
	per_size.data(i_size, per_size.cols.min) = min(ping.data(cur_size_idx, ping.cols.time));
	per_size.data(i_size, per_size.cols.max) = max(ping.data(cur_size_idx, ping.cols.time));
	per_size.data(i_size, per_size.cols.std) = std(ping.data(cur_size_idx, ping.cols.time), 0);
	per_size.data(i_size, per_size.cols.n) = length(cur_size_idx);
	per_size.data(i_size, per_size.cols.sem) = per_size.data(i_size, per_size.cols.std) / sqrt(length(cur_size_idx));	
	per_size.data(i_size, per_size.cols.ci) = calc_cihw(per_size.data(i_size, per_size.cols.std), per_size.data(i_size, per_size.cols.n), ci_alpha);	

figure('Name', sweep_name);
hold on;
legend_str = {};
if (show_mean)
	% means
	legend_str{end + 1} = 'mean';
	plot(per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.size), per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.mean), 'Color', [0 1 0 ]);
	if  (show_sem)
		legend_str{end + 1} = '+sem';
		legend_str{end + 1} = '-sem';
		plot(per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.size), per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.mean) - per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.sem), 'Color', [0 0.66 0]);
		plot(per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.size), per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.mean) + per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.sem), 'Color', [0 0.66 0]);
	if  (show_ci)
		legend_str{end + 1} = '+ci';
		legend_str{end + 1} = '-ci';
		plot(per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.size), per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.mean) - per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.ci), 'Color', [0 0.37 0]);
		plot(per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.size), per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.mean) + per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.ci), 'Color', [0 0.37 0]);

	% median +- standard error of the mean, confidence interval would be
	% better
	legend_str{end + 1} = 'median';
	plot(per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.size), per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.median), 'Color', [1 0 0]);
	if (show_sem)
		legend_str{end + 1} = '+sem';
		legend_str{end + 1} = '-sem';
		plot(per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.size), per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.median) - per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.sem), 'Color', [0.66 0 0]);
		plot(per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.size), per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.median) + per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.sem), 'Color', [0.66 0 0]);
	if (show_ci)
		legend_str{end + 1} = '+ci';
		legend_str{end + 1} = '-ci';
		plot(per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.size), per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.median) - per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.ci), 'Color', [0.37 0 0]);
		plot(per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.size), per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.median) + per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.ci), 'Color', [0.37 0 0]);
	% minimum, should be cleanest, but for the test data set looks quite sad...
	legend_str{end + 1} = 'min';
	plot(per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.size), per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.min), 'Color', [0 0 1]);
	% minimum, should be cleanest, but for the test data set looks quite sad...
	legend_str{end + 1} = 'max';
	plot(per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.size), per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.max), 'Color', [0 0 0.66]);

title(['If this plot shows a (noisy) step function with a stepping of ', num2str(quantum.byte), ' bytes then the data carrier is quantised, make sure to use tc-stab']);
xlabel('Approximate packet size [bytes]');
ylabel('ICMP round trip times (ping RTT) [ms]');
hold off;

% looking at the different plot we see many side peaks
%plot(per_size.data(1:end - 1, strmatch('size', per_size.header , 'exact')), diff(per_size.data(:, strmatch('median', per_size.header , 'exact'))), 'Color', [1 0 0]);

% potentially clean up the data, by interpolating values with large sem
% from the neighbours?

% if this is ATM based the expectancy is there are RTT time quantums of 48
% bytes (the payload of an ATM package) find this
%x = fminsearch(@(x)sin(x^2), x0);

% estimate the RTT step size
% at ADSL down 3008kbit/sec up 512kbit/sec we expect, this oes not include
% processing time
expected_RTT_quantum_ms = (ATM_cell.bit / line.down.bit + ATM_cell.bit / line.up.bit ) * 1000;	% this estimate is rather a lower bound for fastpath , so search for best fits
disp(['lower bound estimate of one ATM cell RTT is ', num2str(expected_RTT_quantum_ms), ' ms.']);
% lets search from expected_RTT_quantum_ms to 1.5 * expected_RTT_quantum_ms
% in steps of expected_RTT_quantum_ms / 100

% to allow for interleaved ATM set ups increase the search space up to 32
% times best fastpath RTT estimate
RTT_quantum_list = (expected_RTT_quantum_ms : expected_RTT_quantum_ms / 100 : 32 * expected_RTT_quantum_ms);
quantum_list = (1 : 1 : quantum.byte);

differences = zeros([length(RTT_quantum_list) length(quantum_list)]);
cumulative_differences = differences;
all_stairs = zeros([length(RTT_quantum_list) length(quantum_list) length(per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.(use_measure)))]);
for i_RTT_quant = 1 : length(RTT_quantum_list)
	cur_RTT_quant = RTT_quantum_list(i_RTT_quant);
	for i_quant = 1 : quantum.byte
		[differences(i_RTT_quant, i_quant), cumulative_differences(i_RTT_quant, i_quant), all_stairs(i_RTT_quant, i_quant, :)] = get_difference_between_data_and_stair( per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.size), per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.(use_measure)), ...
																	quantum_list(i_quant), quantum.byte, 0, cur_RTT_quant );

% for the test DSL set the best x_offset is 21.
[min_cum_diff, min_cum_diff_idx] = min(cumulative_differences(:));
[min_cum_diff_row_idx, min_cum_diff_col_idx] = ind2sub(size(cumulative_differences),min_cum_diff_idx);
best_difference = differences(min_cum_diff_row_idx, min_cum_diff_col_idx);
disp(['remaining ATM cell length after ICMP header is ', num2str(quantum_list(min_cum_diff_col_idx)), ' bytes.']);
disp(['ICMP RTT of a single ATM packet is ', num2str(RTT_quantum_list(min_cum_diff_col_idx)), ' ms.']);

figure('Name', 'Comparing ping data with');
hold on
legend_str = {'ping_data', 'fitted_stair'};
plot(per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.size), per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.(use_measure)), 'Color', [1 0 0]);
plot(per_size.data(:, per_size.cols.size), squeeze(all_stairs(min_cum_diff_row_idx, min_cum_diff_col_idx, :)) + best_difference, 'Color', [0 1 0]);
title(['Estimated RTT per quantum: ', num2str(RTT_quantum_list(min_cum_diff_col_idx)), ' ms; ICMP header offset in quantum ', num2str(quantum_list(min_cum_diff_col_idx)), ' bytes']);
xlabel('Approximate packet size [bytes]');
ylabel('ICMP round trip times (ping RTT) [ms]');
if (isoctave)
	legend(legend_str, 'Interpreter', 'none');
hold off

% find cumulative_differences minimum, get the differences for that matrix
% and plot the corresponding stair with the real data
% next extrapolate to get the y-intercept

% as first approximation use the ATM cell offset and known offsets (ICMP
% IPv4 min_ping_size) to estimate the number of cells used for per paket
% overhead
% this assumes that no ATM related overhead is >= ATM cell size
% -1 to account for matlab 1 based indices
n_bytes_overhead_2nd_cell = quantum.byte - (quantum_list(min_cum_diff_col_idx) - 1);	% just assume we can not fit all overhead into one cell...
pre_IP_overhead = quantum.byte + (n_bytes_overhead_2nd_cell - known_overhead);	% ths is the one we are after in the end
disp(' ');
disp(['Estimated overhead preceeding the IP header: ', num2str(pre_IP_overhead), ' bytes']);

% use http://ace-host.stuart.id.au/russell/files/tc/tc-atm/ to present the
% most likely ATM setup for a given overhead and present a recommendation
% for the stab invocation

% now turn this into tc-stab recommendations:
disp(['Add the following to both the ingress and egress root qdiscs:']);
disp(' ');
disp(['A) Assuming the router connects over ethernet to the DSL-modem:']);
disp(['stab mtu 2048 tsize 128 overhead ', num2str(pre_IP_overhead - offsets.ethernet), ' linklayer atm']);
disp(' ');
disp(['B) Assuming the router connects via PPP and non-ethernet to the modem:']);
disp(['stab mtu 2048 tsize 128 overhead ', num2str(pre_IP_overhead), ' linklayer atm']);

disp(' ');
if ~(isoctave)
	timestamps.(mfilename).end = toc(timestamps.(mfilename).start);
	disp([mfilename, ' took: ', num2str(timestamps.(mfilename).end), ' seconds.']);



function [ ping_data ] = parse_ping_output( ping_log_fqn )
%PARSE_PING_OUTPUT read the putput of a ping run/sweep
% for further processng

cur_sweep_fd = fopen(ping_log_fqn, 'r');
ping_data.header = {'size', 'icmp_seq', 'ttl', 'time'};
ping_data.cols = get_column_name_indices(ping_data.header);

ping_data.data = zeros([1, length(ping_data.header)]);
cur_data_lines = 0;

% skip the first line
% PING netblock-75-79-143-1.dslextreme.com ( (16 ... 1000)
% data bytes
header_line = fgetl(cur_sweep_fd);

while ~feof(cur_sweep_fd)
	cur_line = fgetl(cur_sweep_fd);
	[first_element, remainder] = strtok(cur_line);
	first_element_as_number = str2num(first_element);
	if isempty(first_element);
		% skip empty lines
	if strmatch('---', first_element)
		%we reached the end of sweeps
	% now read in the data
	% 30 bytes from icmp_seq=339 ttl=63 time=14.771 ms
	if ~isempty(first_element_as_number)
		cur_data_lines = cur_data_lines + 1;
		% size of the ICMP package
		ping_data.data(cur_data_lines, ping_data.cols.size) = first_element_as_number;
		% now process the remainder
		while ~isempty(remainder)
			[next_item, remainder] = strtok(remainder);
			equality_pos = strfind(next_item, '=');
			% data items are name+value pairs
			if ~isempty(equality_pos);
				cur_key = next_item(1: equality_pos - 1);
				cur_value = str2num(next_item(equality_pos + 1: end));
				switch cur_key
					% busybox ping and macosx ping return different key names
					case {'seq', 'icmp_seq'}
						ping_data.data(cur_data_lines, ping_data.cols.icmp_seq) = cur_value;
					case 'ttl'
						ping_data.data(cur_data_lines, ping_data.cols.ttl) = cur_value;
					case 'time'
						ping_data.data(cur_data_lines, ping_data.cols.time) = cur_value;

% clean up

function [ difference , cumulative_difference, stair_y ] = get_difference_between_data_and_stair( data_x, data_y, x_size, stair_x_step_size, y_offset, stair_y_step_size )
% x_size is the flat part of the first stair, that is quantum minus the
% offset
debug = 0;
difference = [];
x_start_val = min(data_x);
x_end_val = max(data_x);

% construct stair
stair_x = data_x;
proto_stair_y = zeros([data_x(end) 1]);
% make sure the x_size values do not exceed the step size...
if (x_size > stair_x_step_size)
	if mod(x_size, stair_x_step_size) == 0
		x_size = stair_x_step_size;
		x_size = mod(x_size, stair_x_step_size);

stair_y_step_idx = (x_start_val + x_size : stair_x_step_size : x_end_val);
proto_stair_y(stair_y_step_idx) = stair_y_step_size;
stair_y = cumsum(proto_stair_y);
stair_y = stair_y(x_start_val:x_end_val) + y_offset;
if (debug)
	hold on;
	title(['x offset used: ', num2str(x_size), ' with quantum ', num2str(stair_x_step_size)]);
	plot(data_x, data_y, 'Color', [0 1 0]);
	plot(stair_x, stair_y, 'Color', [1 0 0]);
	hold off;
difference = sum(abs(data_y - stair_y)) / length(data_y);
cumulative_difference = sum(abs(data_y - (stair_y + difference)));


% function [ stair ] = build_stair(x_vector, x_size, stair_x_step_size, y_offset, stair_y_step_size )
% stair = [];
% return
% end

function [columnnames_struct, n_fields] = get_column_name_indices(name_list)
% return a structure with each field for each member if the name_list cell
% array, giving the position in the name_list, then the columnnames_struct
% can serve as to address the columns, so the functions assitgning values
% to the columns do not have to care too much about the positions, and it
% becomes easy to add fields.
n_fields = length(name_list);
for i_col = 1 : length(name_list)
	cur_name = name_list{i_col};
	columnnames_struct.(cur_name) = i_col;

function [ci_halfwidth_vector] = calc_cihw(std_vector, n, alpha)
%calc_ci : calculate the half width of the confidence interval (for 1 - alpha)
%	the t_value lookup depends on alpha and the samplesize n; the relevant
%	calculation of the degree of freedom is performed inside calc_t_val.
%	ci_halfwidth = t_val(alpha, n-1) * std / sqrt(n)
%	Each groups CI ranges from mean - ci_halfwidth to mean - ci_halfwidth, so
%	the calling function has to perform this calculation...
%	std_vector: vector containing the standard deviations of all requested
%		groups
%	n: number of samples in each group, if the groups have different
%		samplesizes, specify each groups samplesize in a vector
%	alpha: the desired maximal uncertainty/error in the range of [0, 1]
%	ci_halfwidth_vector: vector containing the confidence intervals half width
%		for each group

% calc_t_val return one sided t-values, for the desired two sidedness one has
% to half the alpha for the table lookup
cur_alpha = alpha / 2;

% if n is scalar use same n for all elements of std_vec
if isscalar(n)
	t_ci = calc_t_val(cur_alpha, n);
	ci_halfwidth_vector = std_vector * t_ci / sqrt(n);
	% if n is a vector, prepare a matching vector of t_ci values
elseif isvector(n)
	t_ci_vector = n;
	% this is probably ugly, but calc_t_val only accepts scalars.
	for i_pos = 1 : length(n)
		t_ci_vector(i_pos) = calc_t_val(cur_alpha, n(i_pos));
	ci_halfwidth_vector = std_vector .* t_ci_vector ./ sqrt(n);


function [t_val] = calc_t_val(alpha, n)
% the t value for the given alpha and n
% so call with the n of the sample, not with degres of freedom
% see http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Studentst-Distribution.html for formulas
% return values follow Bortz, Statistik fuer Sozialwissenschaftler, Springer 
% 1999, table D page 775. That is it returns one sided t-values.
% primary author S. Moeller

%	sidedness of t-value???

% basic error checking
if nargin < 2
	error('alpha and n have to be specified...');

% probabilty of error
tmp_alpha = alpha ;%/ 2;
if (tmp_alpha < 0) || (tmp_alpha > 1)
	msgbox('alpha has to be taken from [0, 1]...');
	t_val = NaN;
if tmp_alpha == 0
	t_val = -Inf;
elseif tmp_alpha ==1
	t_val = Inf;
% degree of freedom
df = n - 1;
if df < 1
	%msgbox('The n has to be >= 2 (=> df >= 1)...');
% 	disp('The n has to be >= 2 (=> df >= 1)...');
	t_val = NaN;

% only calculate each (alpha, df) combination once, store the results
persistent t_val_array;
% create the t_val_array
if ~iscell(t_val_array)
	t_val_array = {[NaN;NaN]};
% search for the (alpha, df) tupel, avoid calculation if already stored
if iscell(t_val_array)
	% cell array of 2d arrays containing alpha / t_val pairs
	if df <= length(t_val_array)
		% test whether the required alpha, t_val tupel exists
		if ~isempty(t_val_array{df})
			% search for alpha
			tmp_array = t_val_array{df};
			alpha_index = find(tmp_array(1,:) == tmp_alpha);
			if any(alpha_index)
				t_val = tmp_array(2, alpha_index);
		% grow t_val_array to length of n
		missing_cols = df - length(t_val_array);
		for i_missing_cols = 1: missing_cols
			t_val_array{end + 1} = [NaN;NaN];

% check the sign
cdf_sign = 1;
if (1 - tmp_alpha) == 0.5
	t_val = t_cdf;
elseif (1 - tmp_alpha) < 0.5 % the t-cdf is point symmetric around (0, 0.5)
	cdf_sign = -1;
	tmp_alpha = 1 - tmp_alpha; % this will be undone later

% init some variables
n_iterations = 0;
delta_t = 1;
last_alpha = 1;
higher_t = 50;
lower_t = 0;
% find a t-value pair around the desired alpha value 
while norm_students_cdf(higher_t, df) < (1 - tmp_alpha);
	lower_t = higher_t;
	higher_t = higher_t * 2;

% search the t value for the given alpha...
while (n_iterations < 1000) && (abs(delta_t) >= 0.0001)
	n_iterations = n_iterations + 1;
	% get the test_t (TODO linear interpolation) 
 	% higher_alpha = norm_students_cdf(higher_t, df);
 	% lower_alpha = norm_students_cdf(lower_t, df);
	test_t = lower_t + ((higher_t - lower_t) / 2);
	cur_alpha = norm_students_cdf(test_t, df);
	% just in case we hit the right t spot on...
	if cur_alpha == (1 - tmp_alpha)
		t_crit = test_t;
	% probably we have to search for the right t
	elseif cur_alpha < (1 - tmp_alpha)
		% test_t is the new lower_t
		lower_t = test_t;
		%higher_t = higher_t;	% this stays as is...
	elseif cur_alpha > (1 - tmp_alpha)
		%lower_t = lower_t;	% this stays as is...
		higher_t = test_t;
	delta_t = higher_t - lower_t;
	last_alpha = cur_alpha;
t_crit = test_t;

% set the return value, correct for negative t values
t_val = t_crit * cdf_sign;
if cdf_sign < 0
	tmp_alpha = 1 - tmp_alpha;

% store the alpha, n, t_val tupel in t_val_array
pos = size(t_val_array{df}, 2);
t_val_array{df}(1, (pos + 1)) = tmp_alpha;
t_val_array{df}(2, (pos + 1)) = t_val;


function [scaled_cdf] = norm_students_cdf(t, df)
% calculate the cdf of students distribution for a given degree of freedom df,
% and all given values of t, then normalize the result
% the extreme values depend on the values of df!!!

% get min and max by calculating values for extrem t-values (e.g. -10000000,
% 10000000)
extreme_cdf_vals = students_cdf([-10000000, 10000000], df);

tmp_cdf = students_cdf(t, df);

scaled_cdf =	(tmp_cdf - extreme_cdf_vals(1)) /...
				(extreme_cdf_vals(2) - extreme_cdf_vals(1));

function [cdf_value_array] = students_cdf(t_value_array, df)
%students_cdf: calc the cumulative density function for a t-distribution
% Calculate the CDF value for each value t of the input array
% see http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Studentst-Distribution.html for formulas
% INPUTS:	t_value_array:	array containing the t values for which to
%							calculate the cdf
%			df:	degree of freedom; equals n - 1 for the t-distribution

cdf_value_array = 0.5 +...
		((betainc(1, 0.5 * df, 0.5) / beta(0.5 * df, 0.5)) - ...
		(betainc((df ./ (df + t_value_array.^2)), 0.5 * df, 0.5) /...
		beta(0.5 * df, 0.5))) .*...

function [t_prob_dist] = students_pf(df, t_arr)
%  calculate the probability function for students t-distribution

t_prob_dist =	(df ./ (df + t_arr.^2)).^((1 + df) / 2) /...
				(sqrt(df) * beta(0.5 * df, 0.5));

% % calculate and scale the cdf by hand...
% cdf = cumsum(t_prob_dist);
% discrete_t_cdf = (cdf - min(cdf)) / (max(cdf) - min(cdf));
% % numericaly get the t-value for the given alpha
% tmp_index = find(discrete_t_cdf > (1 - tmp_alpha));
% t_crit = t(tmp_index(1));

function in = isoctave ()
 persistent inout;

 if isempty(inout),
   inout = exist('OCTAVE_VERSION','builtin') ~= 0;
 in = inout;


function [] = display_protocol_stack_information(pre_IP_overhead)
% use http://ace-host.stuart.id.au/russell/files/tc/tc-atm/ to present the
% most likely ATM prtocol stack setup for a given overhead so the user can
% compare with his prior knowledge

disp(' ');
disp('According to http://ace-host.stuart.id.au/russell/files/tc/tc-atm/');
disp(['', num2str(pre_IP_overhead), ' bytes overhead indicate']);

switch pre_IP_overhead
	case 8
		disp('Connection: IPoA, VC/Mux RFC-2684');
		disp('Protocol (bytes): ATM AAL5 SAR (8) : 8');
	case 16
		disp('Connection: IPoA, LLC/SNAP RFC-2684');
		disp('Protocol (bytes): ATM LLC (3), ATM SNAP (5), ATM AAL5 SAR (8) : 16');
	case 24
		disp('Connection: Bridged, VC/Mux RFC-1483/2684');
		disp('Protocol (bytes): Ethernet Header (14), ATM pad (2), ATM AAL5 SAR (8) : 24');

	case 28
		disp('Connection: Bridged, VC/Mux+FCS RFC-1483/2684');
		disp('Protocol (bytes): Ethernet Header (14), Ethernet PAD [8] (0), Ethernet Checksum (4), ATM pad (2), ATM AAL5 SAR (8) : 28');
	case 32
		disp('Connection: Bridged, LLC/SNAP RFC-1483/2684');
		disp('Protocol (bytes): Ethernet Header (14), ATM LLC (3), ATM SNAP (5), ATM pad (2), ATM AAL5 SAR (8) : 32');
		disp('Connection: PPPoE, VC/Mux RFC-2684');
		disp('Protocol (bytes): PPP (2), PPPoE (6), Ethernet Header (14), ATM pad (2), ATM AAL5 SAR (8) : 32');
	case 36
		disp('Connection: Bridged, LLC/SNAP+FCS RFC-1483/2684');
		disp('Protocol (bytes): Ethernet Header (14), Ethernet PAD [8] (0), Ethernet Checksum (4), ATM LLC (3), ATM SNAP (5), ATM pad (2), ATM AAL5 SAR (8) : 36');
		disp('Connection: PPPoE, VC/Mux+FCS RFC-2684');
		disp('Protocol (bytes): PPP (2), PPPoE (6), Ethernet Header (14), Ethernet PAD [8] (0), Ethernet Checksum (4), ATM pad (2), ATM AAL5 SAR (8) : 36');
	case 10
		disp('Connection: PPPoA, VC/Mux RFC-2364');
		disp('Protocol (bytes): PPP (2), ATM AAL5 SAR (8) : 10');
	case 14  
		disp('Connection: PPPoA, LLC RFC-2364');
		disp('Protocol (bytes): PPP (2), ATM LLC (3), ATM LLC-NLPID (1), ATM AAL5 SAR (8) : 14');
	case 40
		disp('Connection: PPPoE, LLC/SNAP RFC-2684');
		disp('Protocol (bytes): PPP (2), PPPoE (6), Ethernet Header (14), ATM LLC (3), ATM SNAP (5), ATM pad (2), ATM AAL5 SAR (8) : 40');
	case 44
		disp('Connection: PPPoE, LLC/SNAP+FCS RFC-2684');
		disp('Protocol (bytes): PPP (2), PPPoE (6), Ethernet Header (14), Ethernet PAD [8] (0), Ethernet Checksum (4), ATM LLC (3), ATM SNAP (5), ATM pad (2), ATM AAL5 SAR (8) : 44');  
		disp('a protocol stack this program does know (yet)...');

disp(' ');

this should give you an estimate of the required overhead. 
	Now, I only tested it with the one data set I have available so it would be great if you could share the log file from the sweep (plus any information about the protocol stack in use for checking of the results…) Oh, the script is pretty rough but since all is pretty pedestrian it should not require to much time to understand/edit if necessary.


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> -Bill
> On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 12:25 AM, Sebastian Moeller <moeller0 at gmx.de> wrote:
>> Hi William,
>> On Jul 30, 2012, at 11:34 AM, William Katsak wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am playing with a CeroWRT (3.3.8-6) router on my vacation in Russia and am
>>> seeing some weird behavior with simple_qos.sh that I am unsure if I
>>> should attribute to a
>>> bug, or to an Internet connection that is "just that bad".
>>> Background:
>>> - The router is on my wife's parents' ADSL line (according to the modem,
>>> ~3000/500). The modem is a D-Link DSL-2500U.
>>> - Even though the link is 3000/500, and I can get speedtest.net to
>>> report 2.5mbps/0.42mbps on a clean connection (direct or Cero with no
>>> QOS on), as soon as I use a host that is outside of Rostelecom (local
>>> service), it drops to 0.9/0.4mbps. This is consistent with Netalyzr
>>> test: Upload 430 Kbit/sec, Download 970 Kbit/sec. This suggests that
>>> even though the DSL link is higher bitrate, the ISP doesn't have the
>>> outgoing bandwidth or is rate-limiting it somehow.
>>> - I don't necessarily intend to leave the router running Cero here,
>>> but I want to get a handle on the latency situation, as it makes Skype
>>> pretty messy...I am hoping to roll what I learn into a more stable
>>> build of OpenWRT.
>>> I have tried several different configurations of the modem including:
>>> 1) Default: Modem does PPPoE and hands out 192.168.1.xxx addresses. I
>>> tried just letting Cero route through that address.
>>> 2) PPP-IP extension: This has the effect of the modem handling the
>>> PPPoE connection and handing out the single "real" IP address over
>>> DHCP. In this case Cero would see the Internet IP on ge00.
>>> 3) Bridging: Allow Cero to establish the PPPoE connection and manage it.
>>> Right now I am in PPP-IP extension mode on the modem, and GUI QOS on
>>> the router. This seems to be reliable and also keeps the latency down,
>>> although I would imagine that PPPoE on the router and the GUI QOS
>>> would be fine too, but obviously I would rather use simple_qos.
>>> The problem:
>>> When I try simple_qos.sh, I see this:
>>> insmod: can't insert 'cls_fw': File exists
>>> insmod: can't insert 'sch_htb': File exists
>>> RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory
>>> RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory
>>> If I run it again, the RTNETLINK errors go away...I assume this is
>>> just an annoyance.
>>> This gives me super stable ping times, etc. but a lot of websites hang
>>> loading, and the connection is unusable. If I reboot the router, the
>>> connection works fine again, although the high latency comes back.
>>> So, with all that out there, I have some questions with simple_qos:
>>> 1) If I am using PPPoE on the router, do I need to do IFACE=pppoe-ge00
>>> or still just ge00?
>>> 2) Should I set PPOE to "yes"?
>>        Since your DSL connection is running PPPOE you should set PPOE to yes in any case IF your DSL connection uses ATM as link layer (most probable). This will just make sure that the shaper calculus the right packet seizes to account against your link rates.  But check against http://ace-host.stuart.id.au/russell/files/tc/tc-atm/ to figure out the prier value for overhead, as that depends on the specifics of your DSL connection. I found that http://www.linuxhowtos.org/manpages/8/tc-stab.htm also is quite interesting to read to better understand the overhead parameter. But unfortunately simple_qos does not (yet) use the generic tc-stab method but the atm link layer adjustments specific for HTB. (Since I am on cable right now I have no way of testing whether the tc-stab method also works with HTB). Especially for small packets (like VoIP) if you do not account for the the fact that ATM always sends out integer 48byte cells and will pad if necessary, you will cause severe queueing way below reaching the nominal link rate, as the shaper does not account for a) the padding nor b) the 5byte ATM overhead per ATM-cell (at least I think that is the case).
>>        You should do this in any case so that shaping actually has a chance to work reliably and repeatably independent on the size distribution of your shaped packages.
>>> 3) Is it possible that no matter what I do, the buffers at the speed
>>> drop between Rostelecom and their bandwidth provider is hurting me
>>> somehow?
>>        If I understand correctly, yes this is going to hurt you, so if your intended VoIP traffic leaves the Rostelecom net you might need to specify 974/430 for the shaped rates instead of 3000/512. But that sounds like something that is easy to test. Since your achievable uplink (430) is still quite close to your link rate (500) I would still recommend to look at getting link layer and overhead specified correctly in simple_qos.
>>> 4) If 3, what to do other than yell at them?
>>        As an emergency stop-gap measure shape your rates to what the network path you are most interested in can deliver? That said I, isn't that what codel is supposed to do automatically???
>>> Overall, is anyone using Cero with a PPPoE connection with good
>>> results? What kind of configuration do you have?
>>        No, but I used cerowrt with a bridged ATM-based DSL connection in the past which shares most of the issues with PPPOE over ATM. BTW stock openwork does not account properly for ATM either so if you switch to openwork you will need to edit some of the QOS scripts to work well with DSL. (Last time I looked the "calculate overhead" checkbox did something statistic I failed to fully understand).
>>> Sorry for the info dump, but if there is indeed a problem going on
>>> with PPPoE connections, I am more than willing to be a guinea pig
>>> until August 10th. I would appreciate any ideas!
>>        Oh, by the way I have some half done octave program to figure out the actual overhead from a ping sweep, let me know if you are interested...
>> Best Regards
>>        Sebastian
>>> Thanks!
>>> -Bill Katsak
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